Monday 2 March 2009

Tripping up in memory lane....

I was meandering around today; pretending to dust but really just passing it (the dust) from one corner to another corner; attempting to de-dust sig. others record collection (which is a trap darlings, a trap!)); when I remembered how, when I was teaching, I mentioned the word "records" to a class of Year 3 (first year juniors...or 7 - 8 year old's) during a music lesson and I was met by a row of perplexed young faces. There I was educating them with a bit of New Orleans Funk (sorry folks but it needs to be heard); which I must say they were embracing like troopers and I happened to utter "I'll put the next record on" we were working with Cd's but I was feeling the nostalgia. "What's a record Miss?" was the general response; "It's vinyl" was my retort "What's vinyl?" was the response; "It's a record" and so it went get the picture; climaxing in "ohhh my Nan's got some of them record thingies!" from one small, bright spark. Great, I'm barely old enough to be your....hang on...I suppose, if you really push it, technically, I could be old enough to be his nan...Anyway, whilst engaged in dusting I got to thinking about something more interesting; what other things are future generations we going to lose sight of? Top of the Pops; Pans People; pop ex records; Wimpy Burger Bars; getting a fiver out of the ATM and having a really good night out; shell suits, ra ra skirts, puffballs and pedal pushers; collections...badges, key rings, I could go on but you get the gist; Dallas and novelty songs; oh oh taping the charts on a Sunday evening! Too many things...RIP


Anonymous said...

Fabulous trip down memory lane for me too - sounds like you were an '80s fan. Wasn't that just the decade to grow up. Or perhaps not.

CJ xx

Katherine said...

Yeah...I used to think it was a touch trashy but now I'm all for the 70's & 80's; everything seems so big for kids nowadays so much choice; back then everyone identified with the same stuff; I suppose it's the same now I'm just getting OLD! ;) I keep thinking of all the things that've just disappeared: Mellow Birds Coffee; C&A; Lipton's Tea. I'm still amazed that people who were born in the eighties are did that happen?:)