There is a supermodel, she's called Giselle Bundchen and, apparently, she thinks a law should be passed and the mother's of this world should be made to breast feed for at least the first six months of baba's new life....hmmmm, conjours up pictures of battery breast feeding farms, with Ms Bundchen policing the proceedings. How else could you do it? D'you think the Tories...opps, sorry, the 'coalition' could find a few extra pennies down the back of the sofa to fund 'Breast is Best' enforcers? Sorry, my inner child is giggling at the thought of the uniform.... go to the naughty step inner child!
Read the BBC article, go on...I defy you not to gasp in astonishment, roll around on the floor displaying large amounts of mirth, shake your fist at the computer, whilst emitting a healthy GGGRRRR. As for the modelling of swim wear after 6 weeks....isn't that a bit early to go back to work Ms B? Sorry, couldn't resist. The point is, after 6 weeks of having my first child, I was leaking nay, squirting breast milk everywhere (gallons of it...everywhere), crying in pain due to a nasty, nasty bout of mastitis and ready to quit breast feeding. I didn't, and was lucky enough to feed all my babies for a long (long, long, loonnnngggg) time.
She thinks: 'Are you going to give chemical food to your child when they are so little?' Sweetie, these women, y'know, the ones who bottle feed? Well, they aren't giving their babies crack cocaine. It is lovely to breast feed but, for some, it isn't possible, it isn't an option or it isn't desirable. We are not to judge. I know people who do extended breast feeding, co-sleep, attachment parenting etc and then spend the next few years being frustrated by their feisty, awkward toddlers. The point being, as long as our babies feel loved and secure, we have given them the best possible start. Provide the support for those that do breast feed...breast feeding cafes sound lovely (far more comfortable than feeding baby at a crowded Old Trafford Cricket Ground firework display) but, equally, don't make those who don't somehow 'inferior' or guilty; it isn't fair.
Right, this post marks my blogging comeback. I'm still teaching but it is, in no way, going to take over my life. That aside, nothing much has occurred, although my 7 year has discovered 'popular' music....she likes this
and these
How could this happen???!! I'm wondering now....I mean, I don't want to create a child in the image of myself, but all those hours listening to The Clash and the Buzzcocks; did they meant nothing!!!!???? Ahhh well, I used to love A-Ha, so one day, pop may well itself (muso ref there for all your muso's) and, whilst no doubt disagreeing on a lot ( d#1 is feisty to say the least) we may unite in a love of good music.
I saw this and like you was gobsmacked. What's needed is more help for Mums learning to breastfeed, making it law is laughable!
And Justin Beiber? Oh dear...
It's is truely astonishing...I guess some people should have a really, REALLY long think before they open their mouth. Oh...juston B is out's soemone called Sean Something now??!!
I blogged about this too - shame that she couldn't use her fame to get people to campaign for better help for new mums rather than creating another barricade in the breast vs bottle debate
Very true; going to pop over to your's now Muddling Along...I think it's totally irresponsible; maybe she thinks she's acting out of kindness but it creates a lot of tension
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